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Most people don�t think of chiropractic to treat conditions that do not involve the spine, but study after study shows it is effective in treating a wide variety of health issues. Улцерозни колитис seems to have no real connection with the spine, yet patients and researches alike are touting the effectiveness of chiropractic care to treat the condition. This is due, in part to chiropractic�s approach to whole body wellness, but spinal alignments are incorporated into the care as well. Bottom line, chiropractic care is extremely effective in treating uncreative colitis, and many patients are finding relief from their symptoms and discomfort.

Шта је улцерозни колитис?

Ulcerative colitis is a disease that causes ulcers (sores) and inflammation in the rectum and colon. Typically, only the sigmoid colon (the lower portion of the colon) is affected, along with the rectum.

However, the entire colon can be affected, and the percentage of the colon that is affected tends to coincide with the disease�s severity of the symptoms. While ulcerative colitis can affect people of any age, the majority of people who are diagnosed with it are younger than 30 years old.

Researchers are not sure what causes ulcerative colitis, but many believe that it occurs when the body�s immune system overreacts to bacteria that naturally occurs within the body, specifically in the digestive tract. There also seems to be a genetic predisposition for the disease; it tends to run in families.

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What are the Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis?

The type and severity of symptoms that present with ulcerative colitis depends upon how advanced, or severe depends on which area of the colon is affected and how severe the condition is. The symptoms may subside or disappear for several weeks at a time (some patient reports are stating they had no symptoms for years), then they return � about half the people with ulcerative colitis experience mild effects.

Најчешћи симптоми улцерозног колитиса укључују:

  • Diarrhea � This is the most common symptom. Diarrhea may have pus or blood in it, but it is possible to have blood in the stool and not have the ability to see it. In severe cases, the urge to go to the restroom to empty the colon may come on suddenly and powerfully. It may happen after a meal or after eating certain foods. Other times there may be no discernable pattern; it can happen at any time, even waking the patient out of a dead sleep.
  • Pain � The most common type of pain with ulcerative colitis is in the belly and may feel somewhat cramping. However, some patients report joint soreness and photophobia (осетљивост на светло) accompanied by eye pain.
  • Nausea � The cramping can cause nausea, as well as the condition itself.
  • Fatigue � The other symptoms such as pain and nausea can cause fatigue, but effects of the disease such as swelling in the colon and bleeding in the colon that depletes the body of red blood cells can also cause extreme tiredness.
  • Dehydration � This can be caused by diarrhea.
  • Weight loss � Caused by diarrhea and loss of appetite. The body may not be able to absorb the nutrition from foods due to the disease adequately, so weight loss and malnutrition follow.
  • Sores � Mouth and skin sores may form as well as rashes.

What Treatments are Available for Ulcerative Colitis?

Different people are affected differently when they are battling ulcerative colitis. Patients with mild symptoms may be able to take an over the counter medication that treats diarrhea.

The majority of patients with the disease take prescription medications that help decrease the immune response in the body. Lifestyle changes may also work. If the condition is very severe, the patient may need to undergo surgery and have their colon removed.

Chiropractic for Ulcerative Colitis

Many patients turn to chiropractic care to treat ulcerative colitis. When the body is out of alignment, it can hinder the function of the organs and other parts of the body. By realigning the spine and pelvis, the chiropractor can help the patient lessen or completely alleviate their symptoms.

The whole body health approach that chiropractic promotes can also help with recommendations regarding lifestyle changes and diet modifications. Many patients who get regular нега киропрактике for their ulcerative colitis report a significant decrease in symptoms and often the complete elimination of them.

Нега за одржавање киропрактике

Професионални опсег праксе *

Информације овде о „Како киропрактика помаже пацијентима који пате од улцерозног колитиса" није намењен да замени однос један на један са квалификованим здравственим радником или лиценцираним лекаром и није медицински савет. Подстичемо вас да доносите одлуке о здравственој заштити на основу вашег истраживања и партнерства са квалификованим здравственим радником.

Информације о блогу и дискусије о обиму

Наш обим информација је ограничен на киропрактику, мускулоскелетну, физикалне лекове, веллнесс, доприносећи етиолошкој висцеросоматски поремећаји унутар клиничких презентација, повезане клиничке динамике соматовисцералног рефлекса, комплекса сублуксације, осетљивих здравствених проблема и/или чланака, тема и дискусија функционалне медицине.

Пружамо и представљамо клиничка сарадња са специјалистима из разних дисциплина. Сваки специјалиста се руководи својим професионалним обимом праксе и јурисдикцијом лиценцирања. Користимо функционалне здравствене и веллнесс протоколе за лечење и подршку нези повреда или поремећаја мишићно-скелетног система.

Наши видео снимци, постови, теме, теме и увиди покривају клиничка питања, проблеме и теме које се односе на и директно или индиректно подржавају наш клинички обим праксе.*

Наша канцеларија је разумно покушала да обезбеди цитате у прилог и идентификовала је релевантну истраживачку студију или студије које подржавају наше објаве. На захтев пружамо копије пратећих истраживачких студија доступне регулаторним одборима и јавности.

Разумемо да покривамо питања која захтевају додатно објашњење како то може помоћи у одређеном плану неге или протоколу лечења; зато, да бисте даље разговарали о горњој теми, слободно питајте Др Алек Јименез, ДЦ, или нас контактирајте 915-850-0900.

Овде смо да помогнемо вама и вашој породици.


Др. Алек Јименез ДЦ, МСАЦП, РН*, ЦЦСТ, ИФМЦП*, ЦИФМ*, АТН*

e-маил: цоацх@елпасофунцтионалмедицине.цом

Лиценцирани као доктор киропрактике (ДЦ) у Тексас & Нови Мексико*
Тексас ДЦ лиценца бр. ТКСКСНУМКС, Нев Мекицо ДЦ Лиценца # НМ-ДЦ2182

Лиценцирана као медицинска сестра (РН*) in Флорида
Флорида лиценца РН лиценца # РНКСНУМКС (Контролни бр. 3558029)
Компактни статус: Вишедржавна лиценца: Овлашћени за праксу у КСНУМКС државе*

Др Алек Јименез ДЦ, МСАЦП, РН* ЦИФМ*, ИФМЦП*, АТН*, ЦЦСТ
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